The IM_ER2 (one-month retention) indicator reports the number and percentage of adults and children newly enrolled on antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2 months prior to the reporting end date who had at least one ARV pick up between the 5th and 33rd day ...
The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and specifications for the indicator used for Intensive Monitoring of Early Retention: (IM_ER)1B. In fact, rather than continuity of treatment, this indicator serves to monitor ART ...
CXCA_TX indicator reports the number of cervical cancer screen-positive women who are HIV Positive and on ART eligible for cryotherapy, thermocoagulation or LEEP who received cryotherapy, thermocoagulation or LEEP.
CXCA_SCRN indicator reports the number of HIV Positive Women on ART who received a screening test for cervical cancer which is also the indicator numerator.
This document defines the functional requirements and technical specifications for generating the “CCR1: Lista de Crianças Inscritas em CCR” (CCR1: List of Children Enrolled in CCR).
1. Introdução Apesar do esforço global comum e dos progressos consideráveis no combate ao HIV/SIDA, a epidemia ainda está fora de controle para o grupo de meninas e adolescentes entre os 15 a 24 anos, especialmente nos países da África Subsaariana ...
Notas da Release: Notas da Release de SESP Data da Release: 20/09/2024 Release SESP: v.3.18.0 Módulo da Relatórios do SESP: Versão 3.18.0 Sumário da Release: Itens Incluídos Descrição Notas Módulo de Relatórios ● Relatório Trimestral PEPFAR MER 2.7 ○ ...