The TX_PVLS MER indicator provides data on clients who have received a viral load (VL) test in the last 12 months and the percentage of those clients who were virally suppressed at the most recent test. It does not, however, provide data on viral ...
This report generates the number of HIV-exposed infants, with a virologic HIV test result returned in the reporting period, whose diagnostic sample was collected by 12 months of age.
SESP_CCR1_ListChildrenEnrolledCCR_Specification and Requirements
This report generates the aggregate number and lists all children enrolled in CCR services in the HF between reporting start and end dates.
SESP Program Enrolment Specification and Requirements_v1.3.2
SESP is a client level tracking system that allows for individual tracking of care and treatment services of clientclients who are registered in one or more health programs for client and program monitoring. In Mozambique, all client visiting a ...
SESP Patient Dashboard - Demographic Information Specification and Requirements_v1.4.1
This feature is available under the Procurar/Registar Paciente function. The system allows the user to create a patient, or search and existing patient to view or edit this patient. This section of the demographic information is available as a new ...
SESP_TB5_ListPatientsCurrentlyARTWithoutTBScreening Specification and Requirements_v1.4
The report named “TB5: List of Patients Currently on ART without TB Screening” will show all patients currently on ART who do not have a documented TB Screening in the last 6 months on a line list in the first excel sheet and the aggregated number on ...
SESP_ListChildrenAdolescentsARTWithoutFullDisclosure Specification and Requirements_v1.0
The report named “List of Children and Adolescents on ART without Full Disclosure” (“Lista de Crianças e Adolescentes em TARV sem Revelação Diagnóstica Total”) will show all patients (8 to 14 years old) on ART who do not have a full disclosure on a ...
SESP ListPatientsEligibleVL Specifications and Requirements
The report named “Lista de Pacientes Elegiveis a Colheita de Amostra para Carga Viral” (List of Patients Eligible for VL Sample collection) will list patients on ART who are eligible for Viral Load Sample collection and who have a visit scheduled ...
SESP ListPatientsInitiatedTPT Specification and Requirements_v1.14
The report named “TB3: List of Patients Who Initiated TPT” will show all patients who initiated a course of daily isoniazid preventive therapy (INH) or weekly isoniazid and rifapentine (3-HP) during the reporting period on a list in the first Excel ...
The report named “TB2: List of Patients Eligible for TPT” will show all active patients on ART who are eligible to start TPT on a line list in the first Excel sheet and the aggregated number on the second sheet of the same Excel file.
SESP ListForFollowUpOfPatientsWithUnsuppressedVL Specification and Requirements_v1.1.1
The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and specifications for the line list of all patients who have had an unsuppressed Viral Load Result documented in the Laboratory or e-Lab Forms during the reporting period. The report ...
OpenMRS ListPatientsARTCohort Specification and Requirements_v1.4
The report named “Lista de Pacientes na Coorte de TARV” (List of Patients in ART Cohort) generates the aggregate number and lists all patients who initiated ART at the Health Facility during the cohort period.
OpenMRS ListChildrenandARVFormulations Specification and Requirements_v1.0
MISAU has requested implementers to intensively monitor paediatric ARV regimens and formulations in order to: ● Ensure that children are receiving the correct regimen according to their age and weight according to the national guidelines; ● Ensure ...
SESP ListDefaultersPatientsIIT Specification and Requirements
The report named “Lista de Pacientes Faltosos ou Abandonos ao TARV” (List of Defaulters and Patients with Interruption in Treatment) will show all patients on ART who have not returned for their scheduled drug-pick up within the specific number of ...
SESP IM-ER1 Indicator Specification and Requirements_v1.3
In Mozambique, the monthly monitoring of linkage and early retention at HF-level is being implemented as part of a national effort to improve the outcomes of the HIV care and treatment program. It allows to detect fluctuations in performance in a ...
SESP_TX_PVLS by Sources Report Specification and Requirements_v1.4
TX_PVLS, an indicator to monitor viral suppression, reports the percentage of ART patients with a suppressed viral load (VL) result (<1000 copies/ml) documented in the medical or laboratory records/laboratory information systems (LIS) within the past ...
SESP_TB7_Advanced Disease and TB Cascade Report Specifications and Requirements
The Advanced Disease and TB Cascade Report will generate the numbers of clients eligible for CD4 count request, those with a CD4 count result as well as the number of clients with a TB LAM test result during the inclusion period, disaggregated by age ...
SESP TRF_IN Indicators Specification and Requirements_v1.2.1
The TRF_IN indicator reports the number of ART patients who were transferred from another health facility during the reporting period, except those who were in treatment in the same Health Facility in the previous reporting period. This definition is ...
SESP RQD4_Data Quality Report-Identify Incompatible DSDs Specification and Requirements_v1.1
The “RQD4: Data Quality Report to Identify Incompatible DSD Models” will generate an aggregate list of patients who meet the incompatibility edit checks in addition to providing a line listing of the patients so the health facility staff (i.e., M&E ...
The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and specifications to report the Differentiated Service Delivery (DSD) models’ indicators. These indicators are reported from the SESP in use to capture patient level data in retrospective ...
The RQD2: Data Quality Report to Identify Duplicate Forms will generate an aggregate list of patients who meet the duplication edit check in addition to providing a line listing of the patients so the health facility staff (i.e., M&E teams, clinical ...
SESP Data Quality Report to Identify Potential Duplicate NID-Patients_v1.90
The Data Quality Report to Identify Potential Duplicate NID-Patients will generate an aggregate list of patients who meet certain duplication edit checks in addition to providing a line listing of patients who meet a particular edit check so the ...
The RQD1: Data Quality Report will generate an aggregate list of patients failing to meet certain edit checks in addition to providing a line listing of patients who fail to meet a particular edit check so clinical staff can review the patient file ...
OpenMRS ViralLoadIntensiveMonitoringReport Specification and Requirements_v1.1
The report named “Relatório de Monitoria Intensiva de Carga Viral” (Viral Load Intensive Monitoring Report) quantifies patients according a series of indicators related to patients` Viral Load requests, their results and use of the results and serves ...
SESP_PrEP_NEW Indicator Specification and Requirements_v1.2.1
PrEP_NEW indicator reports the number of individuals who were newly enrolled on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection in the reporting period, which is also the indicator Numerator. This indicator measures the ongoing growth of ...
SESP_PREP_CT Indicator Specification and Requirements_v1.2.4
The PREP_CT indicator reports the number of individuals, excluding those newly enrolled, that return for a follow-up visit or re-initiation visit to receive pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV during the reporting period, which is also the ...
SESP TX_RTT Indicators Specification and Requirements_v1.9.5
The TX _RTT indicator reports the number of ART patients with no ARV drug pick-up for greater than 28 days since their last expected pick-up (who experienced an interruption in Treatment – IIT) during any previous reporting period, who successfully ...
SESP TX_PVLS Indicator Specification and Requirements_v3.9.4
TX_PVLS, an indicator to monitor viral suppression, reports the percentage of ART patients with a suppressed viral load (VL) result (<1,000 copies/ml) documented in the medical or laboratory records/laboratory information systems (LIS) within the ...
SESP TX_NEW Indicator Specification and Requirements_v2.0.1
The TX_NEW indicator reports the number of adults and children newly enrolled on antiretroviral therapy (ART), which is also the indicator Numerator. This indicator measures the ongoing scale-up and uptake of ART programs. TX_NEW is a state defined ...
SESP TX_ML Indicator Specification and Requirements_v2.19
According to MER 2.7 Indicator Reference Guide, the TX_ML indicator reports the number of ART patients who were on ART at the beginning of the quarterly reporting period or initiated treatment during the reporting period and then had no clinical ...
SESP TX_CURR Indicator Specification and Requirements_v4.3
The TX_CURR indicator reports the number of adults and children currently receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART), which is also the indicator Numerator. This indicator measures the ongoing scale-up and uptake of ART and retention in ART programs as a ...
The TB_PREV indicator reports the proportion of ART patients who started on a standard course of TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) in the previous reporting period who completed therapy. For example, if reporting is for Q1 and Q2 of a fiscal year (e.g., ...
SESP TB6-ListPatientsWithPositiveTBScreening Specification and Requirements_v1.2
The purpose of this document is to capture the requirements and specifications for the list of patients currently on ART who have a positive TB screening during the reporting period (“TB6: List of Patients Currently on ART with Positive TB ...
SESP TB6-ListPatientsWithPositiveTBScreening Specification and Requirements_v1.2
This list will be generated from the SESP in order to identify all patients with a positive TB screening, to take the required action at the health facility (HF) level and/or in the community, and document the results of the action taken for ...
CCR in SESP_Design and workflow_EN_v0.5
The purpose of this document is to describe the proposed design and workflow of CCR in SESP. This document aims to present the systems workflow to register a child in CCR, data from his/her clinical consultations and lab results, as well as the ...
Para os resultados laboratoriais processados com sucesso via DISA-SESP Interoperabilidade, o formulário e-Lab é criado com as seguintes secções: Unidade Sanitária do paciente, número de requisição. Informação do paciente: dados demográficos e estado ...
SESP TX_TB Indicator Specification and Requirements_v2.4
The TX_TB indicator reports the proportion of ART patients screened for TB in the semiannual reporting period who start TB treatment. This indicator documents TB screening of ART patients, as well as the proportion who were diagnosed and initiating ...
The TB4: TX_TB Monthly Cascade Report will generate the numbers of ART patients in each of the 8 indicators representing the steps of the TX_TB clinical cascade. This report will serve as a tool to detect areas of underperformance in a timely manner.
SESP TB1 TPTCompletionCascadeReportSpecificationAndRequirements_v2.1
The TB1: TPT Completion Cascade report will generate the number of patients who are currently on ART along the TPT cascade, with steps that include previous TPT completion, TPT eligibility and TPT initiation.
SESP IM-ER4 Indicator Specification and Requirements_v2.1
The IM-ER4 (3 month retention) indicator reports the number and percentage of adults and children newly enrolled on antiretroviral therapy (ART) 4 months prior to the reporting period end date in a one-month enrollment cohort period who have either ...
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