This document provides the requirements for derived concepts of interventions eligibility categories used to identify patients within the cohorts that are being sent to mUzima. The document is intended to serve as the primary reference document ...
This document contains the details for the requirements needed to update the Patient Demographics Form. The functionality/form allows the user to update specified patient demographic data and sync it with demographic data in SESP.
This document contains the details for the requirements needed to triangulate and allocate the patients eligible for a phone call or home visit to a volunteer by use of the Triangulation Form (Formulário de Triangulação).
This document contains the details for the requirements needed to implement the Home Visit patient cohort list functionality in the system. The functionality allows the user to view patients identified as being eligible for a phone call or a home ...
This document defines the functional requirements and technical specifications for generating the “CCR1: Lista de Crianças Inscritas em CCR” (CCR1: List of Children Enrolled in CCR).
1. Introdução Apesar do esforço global comum e dos progressos consideráveis no combate ao HIV/SIDA, a epidemia ainda está fora de controle para o grupo de meninas e adolescentes entre os 15 a 24 anos, especialmente nos países da África Subsaariana ...
Notas da Release: Notas da Release de SESP Data da Release: 20/09/2024 Release SESP: v.3.18.0 Módulo da Relatórios do SESP: Versão 3.18.0 Sumário da Release: Itens Incluídos Descrição Notas Módulo de Relatórios ● Relatório Trimestral PEPFAR MER 2.7 ○ ...