Requisitos do sistema e Especificações
[mUzima-IC]: Formulário Testagem Contacto CI
The purpose of this document is to capture the functional requirements necessary to update the HIV Counseling and Testing (HTC) and Add Contacts Form (Formulário Testagem contacto CI). The for will allow the user to register information related to ...
[mUzima-IC]: Relatório MUZIMA01 Desempenho Testagem Caso Índice
The purpose of this document is to capture the functional requirements for the index case testing performance report.
[mUzima-IC]: Lista de Casos Índices
This document contains the details for the requirements needed to implement the Index Case patient cohort list functionality in the system. The functionality allows the user to view patients identified as case index patients, together with specific ...
[mUzima-IC]: Formulário demográfico de Caso índice
This document contains the details for the requirements needed to update the Index Case Demographics Form. The functionality/form allows the user to update specified index case patient demographic data and sync it with demographic data in SESP.
[mUzima-IC]: Formulário de Alocação ao Conselheiro
This document contains the details for the requirements needed to allocate theIndex Case Contacts to an HTC Counselor by use of the Form (Formulário de Alocação de Contactos ao Conselheiro).