Report Template
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This report generates the number of HIV-exposed infants, with a virologic HIV test result returned in the reporting period, whose diagnostic sample was collected by 12 months of age.
The TX_PVLS MER indicator provides data on clients who have received a viral load (VL) test in the last 12 months and the percentage of those clients who were virally suppressed at the most recent test. It does not, however, provide data on viral ...
The TX_PVLS MER indicator provides data on clients who have received a viral load (VL) test in the last 12 months and the percentage of those clients who were virally suppressed at the most recent test. It does not, however, provide data on viral ...
The TB_PREV indicator reports the proportion of ART patients who started on a standard course of TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) in the previous reporting period who completed therapy. For example, if reporting is for Q1 and Q2 of a fiscal year (e.g., ...