SESP_TX_PVLS by Sources Report Specification and Requirements_v1.4

SESP_TX_PVLS by Sources Report Specification and Requirements_v1.4

TX_PVLS, an indicator to monitor viral suppression, reports the percentage of ART patients with a suppressed viral load (VL) result (<1000 copies/ml) documented in the medical or laboratory records/laboratory information systems (LIS) within the past 12 months.


The indicator monitors the proportion of documented viral load results from adult and pediatric ART patients who have been on ART for at least 3 months (90 days) with a suppressed result (<1,000 copies/ml) and provides data on patients who have a viral load (VL) test in the past 12 months and the percentage of who were virally suppressed at the most recent VL test. For more detailed and comprehensive definition of the indicator please refer to the TX_PVLS Indicator Specification and Requirements document.


The report named “TX_PVLS by Sources Report (Relatório de TX_PVLS por Fontes)” will show the aggregated number of ART patients with suppressed viral load result documented in the medical or laboratory records within the past 12 months differentiated by groups of sources (Laboratory Record sources and Medical Record sources).

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