SESP_TB7_Advanced Disease and TB Cascade Report Specifications and Requirements

SESP_TB7_Advanced Disease and TB Cascade Report Specifications and Requirements

The Advanced Disease and TB Cascade Report will generate the numbers of clients eligible for CD4 count request, those with a CD4 count result as well as the number of clients with a TB LAM test result during the inclusion period, disaggregated by age and sex. According the MoH guidelines for clients with Advanced HIV disease, clients with severe immunodepression should undergo a TB LAM test in order to detect TB. Clients with severe immunodepression with a positive TB LAM test should start TB treatment. The key steps of the clinical cascade that are monitored by the report are represented by the number of clients with serious immunodepression, the number of clients with a TB LAM test result, the number of Clients with a positive TB LAM test result, the number of clients with a GeneXpert result and the number of clients with a positive LAM test result that initiated tuberculosis treatment by report generation date. This report will serve as a tool to detect areas of underperformance in a timely manner.

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