SESP ReleaseNotes_4.0.0_EN_v.1.0

SESP ReleaseNotes_4.0.0_EN_v.1.0

Release Notes: SESP Release Notes

Release Date: 20/12/2024

SESP Release: v.4.0.0

SESP Reports Module: Version 4.0.0

Release Summary:

Item Included



Reporting Module

        PEPFAR MER 2.8 Quarterly Report



         TX_PVLS Supplemental Coverage Denominator (New)

        MISAU Reports

         Relatório de Monitoria Intensiva - 2024

         Relatório de Melhoria de Qualidade - 2024

         Relatório de Avaliação MDS- (Discontinued)

         Resumo Mensal de DAH

         Resumo Mensal CCR (New)

         Lista de Utentes Elegíveis ao Pedido de CD4

         Lista de Utentes que Receberam Resultado de CV Durante o Trimestre

         PrEP1: Lista de Chamadas de Lembrete para Utentes em PrEP (List of Reminder Calls for Clients in PrEP) (New)

         PrEP2: Lista de Utentes em PrEP que Não Compareceram à Consulta Por Mais de 90 dias (List of PrEP Patients who did not come to an appointment for more than 90 days) (New)

        Other Reports

         TB1: Relatório de Cascata de Completude de TPT (TPT Completion Cascade Report)

         TB7: Relatório Cascatas de Doença Avançada por HIV e TB (TB7: Advanced Disease and TB Cascades Report)

         Lista de Seguimento de Pacientes com CV Não Suprimida (List of Patient with Unsuppressed VL)

         Lista de Pacientes Faltosos ou Abandonos (List of Defaulters and Patients with Interruption in Treatment)

         Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis para colheita da Amostra para Carga Viral (List of Patients Eligible for Viral Load Sample Collection)

-File with reporting module: eptsreports-4.0.0.omod (under Code Packages folder)








HTML Forms and Concepts

        Updated e-Lab Form

        Included Ficha de Avaliação da Saúde Mental – Fica Bem (New)

        Included Processo do Paciente – CETA, Ficha Inicial (New)

        Included Processo do Paciente – CETA, Ficha de Seguimento (New)



        Data Entry Statistics



        Release Notes 4.0.0 (English and Portuguese)

        Requirements Documents:


        e-Lab Form

        Ficha de Avaliação da Saúde Mental – Fica Bem

        Processo do Paciente – CETA, Ficha Inicial

        Processo do Paciente – CETA, Ficha de Seguimento




        TX_PVLS Supplemental Denominator

        MI CAT 14

        MQ CAT 9

        MQ CAT 15

        Resumo Mensal de DAH

        Resumo Mensal CCR

        Lista de Utentes Elegíveis ao Pedido de CD4

        Lista de Utentes que Receberam Resultado de CV durante o trimestre

        PrEP1: Lista de Chamadas de Lembrete para Utentes em PrEP (List of Reminder Calls for Clients in PrEP)

        PrEP2: Lista de Utentes em PrEP que Não Compareceram à consulta Por Mais de 90 dias (List of PrEP Patients who did not come to an Appointment for more than 90 days)

        TB1: Relatório de Cascata de Completude de TPT (TPT Completion Cascade Report)

        TB7: Relatório Cascatas de Doença Avançada por HIV e TB (TB7: Advanced Disease and TB Cascades Report)

        Lista de Seguimento de Pacientes com CV Não Suprimida (List of Patient with Unsuppressed VL)

        Lista de Pacientes Faltosos ou Abandonos (List of Defaulters and Patients with Interruption in Treatment)

        Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis para colheita da Amostra para Carga Viral (List of Patients Eligible for Viral Load Sample Collection)



         PEPFAR MER 2.8 Quarterly Report

         Relatório de Monitoria Intensiva- 2024

         Relatório de Melhoria de Qualidade - 2024

         Resumo Mensal de DAH

         Resumo Mensal CCR

         Lista de Utentes Elegíveis ao pedido de CD4

         Lista de Utentes que Receberam Resultado de CV durante o trimestre

         PrEP1: Lista de Chamadas de Lembrete para Utentes em PrEP (List of Reminder Calls for Clients in PrEP)

         PrEP2: Lista de Utentes que não Compareceram à Consulta Por Mais de 90 dias (List of PrEP Patients who did not come to an appointment for more than 90 days)

         TB1: Relatório de Cascata de Completude de TPT (TPT Completion Cascade Report)  

         TB7: Relatório Cascatas de Doença Avançada por HIV e TB (TB7: Advanced Disease and TB Cascades Report)

         Lista de Seguimento de Pacientes com CV Não Suprimida (List of Patient with Unsuppressed VL)

         Lista de Pacientes Faltosos ou Abandonos (List of Defaulters and Patients with Interruption in Treatment)

         Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis para colheita da Amostra para Carga Viral (List of Patients Eligible for Viral Load Sample Collection)


        Installation Guides:

         User Manuals:

        SESP Administrator Manual

        SESP User Manual v. 4.0.0




Changes include:

        PEPFAR MER Reports

         PEPFAR 2.8 MER Quarterly Report


        Updated “CD4 count by Sex and Age” disaggregation to include CD4 semi-quantitative results (Ticket #3714).

        Corrected period range for definition of patients transferred-in (Ticket #3733).


        Updated “CD4 count by Sex and Age” disaggregation to include CD4 semi-quantitative results (Ticket #3714).

        TX_PVLS Supplemental Coverage Denominator (New)

        This new indicator aims to estimate the pregnant women (PW) and breastfeeding women (BF) eligible for a VL test.


         Monitoria Intensiva -2024

        CAT 14

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation/certification process.


         Melhoria de Qualidade – 2024

        CAT 9

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation/certification process.

        CAT 15

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation/certification process.


         Resumo Mensal DAH

        Updated indicators 8 to 19 to consider a 1-month cohort of patients from 3 months prior. 

        Updated indicators 9 to 19 to consider indicator 8 as the denominator.

        Updated description of indicators 8 to 19.

        Aligned the disaggregation period (new on ART, restarters, active on ART) for indicators 8 to 19.

        Updated indicators 9 to 19 to include the CD4 request (Indicator 8) as the base of the cascade.


         Resumo Mensal CCR (New)

        New MISAU Monthly SESP Report that evaluates care received by children at risk as well as their outcomes, including children exposed to HIV. This SESP report is based on the Resumo Mensal da Unidade Sanitária– SMI – Consulta da Criança em Risco (Modelo MOD - SIS - B07).


         Lista de Utentes Elegíveis ao Pedido de CD4

        Removed the Transferred-Out exclusion criteria.

        Removed the Death exclusion criteria.

        Added active on ART criteria (B13 indicator from the MISAU “Resumo Mensal de HIV” report).

        Updated the definition of the high VL eligibility criteria to consider the last two viral load test results, until the end of the period, and with a minimum difference of 3 months between them (Ticket #3751).

        Updated the VL result section (last and penultimate) to list the results separately by source (Clinical Record vs. Laboratory Record or e-Lab Record).

        Updated the CD4 Result section (last and penultimate) to list the results separately by source (Clinical Record vs. Laboratory Record or e-Lab Record).

        Updated PW and BF women definitions to exclude male patients.

        Updated date format to: dd/mm/yyyy.


         Lista de Utentes que receberam Resultado de CV durante o trimestre - MISAU

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation/certification process.


         Relatório de Avaliação MDS

        Discontinued— removed from SESP and future versions will be included in MozART.


         PrEP1: Lista de Chamadas de Lembrete para Utentes em PrEP (List of PrEP Clients in PrEP eligible for phone call reminders) (New)

        This list provides the aggregated number and list of all clients with a PrEP appointment scheduled between the start date and end date of the report.


         PrEP2: Lista de Utentes que não Compareceram à consulta por mais de 90 dias (List of PrEP Patients who did not come to an appointment for more than 90 days) (New)

        This list provides the aggregate number and list of all PrEP clients who did not attend their appointment for more than 90 days until the reporting end date.


        Other Reports

         TB1: Relatório de Cascata de Completude de TPT (TPT Completion Cascade Report) 

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation/certification process.


         TB7: Relatório Cascatas de Doença Avançada por HIV e TB (TB7: Advanced Disease and TB Cascades Report)

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation/certification process.


         Lista de Seguimento de Pacientes com CV Não Suprimida (List of Patient with Unsuppressed VL)

        Included Aggregate Sheet to summarize the number of patients in each indicator (Ticket #3171).

        Updated Transferred Out, Dead, Suspended and IIT criteria to align with the changes made on TX_CURR in December 2023 release


         Lista de Pacientes Faltosos ou Abandonos (List of Defaulters and Patients with Interruption In Treatment)

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation process.


         Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis para a Colheita da Amostra para Carga Viral (List of Patients Eligible for Viral Load Sample Collection)

        Updated the definition of patients with a scheduled visit during the period to consider most recent Ficha Rec/Lev ARVs by endDate, to ensure that clients are in fact expected to come to the HF during the period.

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation process.


        Forms and Concepts

         e-Lab Form

        Included PCR-EID results and collection type (tipo de colheita) fields.


         Ficha de Avaliação da Saúde Mental – Fica Bem (New)

        This new form is used to screen for mental health disorders among clients enrolled in HIV care.


         Processo do Paciente – CETA, Ficha Inicial (New)

        This new form corresponds with the front part of the processo de paciente CETA and is completed for patients who test positive for CETA in the Ficha de Avaliação da Saúde Mental – Fica Bem and who have completed the following instruments: Patient Follow-up Form; Traumatic Experience List; Decision Making Form.


         Processo do Paciente – CETA, Ficha de Seguimento (New)

        This new form corresponds with the back part of the processo de paciente CETA and is likewise completed for patients who test positive for CETA in in the Ficha de Avaliação da Saúde Mental – Fica Bem and who have completed the following instruments: Patient Follow-up Form; Traumatic Experience List; Decision Making Form.



     Updated Data Entry Statistics to include M&E roles in English (Ticket #3801).

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