SESP ReleaseNotes_3.18.0_EN_v.1.1

SESP ReleaseNotes_3.18.0_EN_v.1.1

Release Notes: SESP Release Notes

Release Date: 20/09/2024

SESP Release: v.3.18.0

SESP Reports Module: Version 3.18.0

Release Summary:

Item Included



Reporting Module

        PEPFAR MER 2.7 Quarterly Report

         PMTCT_EID (New)

         PMTCT_HEI (New)

        PEPFAR MER 2.7 Semi-Annual Report


        MISAU Reports

         Relatório de Monitoria Intensiva - 2024

         Relatório de Melhoria de Qualidade - 2024

         Resumo Trimestral APSS & PP

         Relatório de Avaliação MDS

         Resumo Mensal de DAH

         Lista de Utentes com DAH

         Lista de Utentes Elegíveis ao pedido de CD4

         Lista de Utentes que receberam Resultado de CV durante o trimestre (formerly known as AQD HIV – MISAU Report)

        Other Reports

         TB2: Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis ao TPT (List of Patients Eligible for TPT)

         TB4: Relatório Cascata Mensal de TX_TB (TX_TB Monthly Cascade Report)

         TB5: Lista Pacientes Activos em TARV sem Rastreio de TB (List of Patients Currently on ART without TB Screening)

         TB7: Relatório Cascatas de Doença Avançada por HIV e TB (TB7: Advanced Disease and TB Cascades Report)

         Relatório MDS (DSD Report)

         RQD1: Relatório de Qualidade de Dados (Data Quality Report)

         RQD2: Relatório De Qualidade De Dados Para Identificar Fichas Duplicadas (Data Quality Report to Identify Duplicate Forms)

         Lista de Pacientes Faltosos ou Abandonos (List of Defaulters and Patients with Interruption in Treatment)

         Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis para colheita da Amostra para Carga Viral (List of Patients Eligible for Viral Load Sample Collection)

         CCR1: Lista de Criança Inscritas em CCR (List of Children Enrolled in CCR)

-File with reporting module: eptsreports-3.18.0.omod (under Code Packages folder)






HTML Forms and Concepts

        Updated Ficha Clínica

        Updated Ficha APSS & PP

        Updated e-Lab Form

        Updated Laboratório Geral Form



        Data Entry Statistics



        Release Notes 3.18.0 (English and Portuguese)

        Requirements Documents:


        Ficha Clínica

        Ficha APSS & PP

        e-Lab Form

        Laboratorio Geral Form






        MI CAT 7

        MI CAT 9

        MI CAT 11

        MI CAT 12

        MI CAT 13

        MI CAT 14

        MI CAT 15

        MI CAT 18

        MI CAT 19 (New)

        MQ CAT 9

        MQ CAT 13

        MQ CAT 15

        Resumo Trimestral APSS & PP

        Relatório de Avaliação MDS

        Resumo Mensal de DAH

        Lista de Utentes com DAH

        Lista de Utentes Elegíveis ao Pedido de CD4

        Lista de Utentes que receberam Resultado de CV durante o trimestre (new name for old AQD-MISAU Report)

        TB2: Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis ao TPT (List of Patients Eligible for TPT)

        TB4: Relatório Cascata Mensal de TX_TB (TX_TB Monthly Cascade Report)

        TB5: Lista Pacientes Activos em TARV sem Rastreio de TB (List of Patients Currently on ART without TB Screening)

        TB7: Relatório Cascatas de Doença Avançada por HIV e TB (TB7: Advanced Disease and TB Cascades Report)

        Relatório MDS (DSD Report)

        RQD1: Relatório de Qualidade de Dados (Data Quality Report)

        RQD2: Relatório De Qualidade De Dados Para Identificar Fichas Duplicadas (Data Quality Report to Identify Duplicate Forms)

        Lista de Pacientes Faltosos ou Abandonos (List of Defaulters and Patients with Interruption in Treatment)

        Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis para colheita da Amostra para Carga Viral (List of Patients Eligible for Viral Load Sample Collection)

        CCR1: Lista de Criança Inscritas em CCR (List of Children Enrolled in CCR)



         PEPFAR MER 2.7 Quarterly Report

         PEPFAR MER 2.7 Semi-Annual Report

         Relatório de Monitoria Intensiva- 2024

         Relatório de Melhoria de Qualidade - 2024

         Resumo Trimestral APSS & PP

         Relatório de Avaliação MDS

         Resumo Mensal de DAH

         Lista de Utentes com DAH

         Lista de Utentes Elegíveis ao pedido de CD4

         Lista de Utentes que receberam Resultado de CV durante o trimestre (new name for old AQD HIV-MISAU)

         TB2: Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis ao TPT (List of Patients Eligible for TPT)

         TB4: Relatório Cascata Mensal de TX_TB (TX_TB Monthly Cascade Report)

         TB5: Lista Pacientes Activos em TARV sem Rastreio de TB (List of Patients Currently on ART without TB Screening)

         TB7: Relatório Cascatas de Doença Avançada por HIV e TB (TB7: Advanced Disease and TB Cascades Report)

         Relatório MDS (DSD Report)

         RQD1: Relatório de Qualidade de Dados (Data Quality Report)

         RQD2: Relatório De Qualidade De Dados Para Identificar Fichas Duplicadas (Data Quality Report to Identify Duplicate Forms)

         Lista de Pacientes Faltosos ou Abandonos (List of Defaulters and Patients with Interruption in Treatment)

         Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis para colheita da Amostra para Carga Viral (List of Patients Eligible for Viral Load Sample Collection)

         CCR1: Lista de Criança Inscritas em CCR (List of Children Enrolled in CCR)


        Installation Guides:

         User Manuals:

        SESP Administrator Manual

        SESP User Manual v. 3.18.0





Changes include:


        PEPFAR MER Reports

         PEPFAR 2.7 MER Quarterly Report

        PMTCT_EID (New)

        This indicator reports the number of infants who had a virologic HIV test (sample collected) by 12 months of age during the reporting period.

        PMTCT_HEI (New)

        This indicator reports number of HIV-exposed infants, with a virologic HIV test result returned in the reporting period, whose diagnostic sample was collected by 12 months of age.


        Updated Test Result disaggregate label from Indeterminate to Other on web preview to align with Excel template (Ticket #3729).


         PEPFAR 2.7 MER Semi-Annual Report


        Aligned with TX_CURR definition from December 2023 Release.


         Monitoria Intensiva -2024

        CAT 7

        Changed the 3HP TPT completion period from 80-190 days to 80-198 days (indicators 7.2 and 7.4).

        Aligned cohort periods and corrected number of days considered for INH and 3HP treatment.  

        Aligned the definition of clients Transferred-Out to another HF.

        CAT 9

        Included new CD4 request and returned result indicators for the group of clients who reinitiated ART.

        Separated the age calculation requirement for the CD4 request and returned result indicators for patient reinitiating ART (11.1 and 11.2).

        Aligned age calculation to use ART reinitiating date.

        Included the evaluation period calculation formula in CD4 returned result indicators for clients reinitiating ART.

        Included semi-quantitative CD4 results.

        Aligned the definition of clients Transferred-Out to another HF.

        CAT 11

        Updated the definition of clients transferred out to another HF to remove the verification (exclusion) of a clinical consultation or drug pick-up after the transfer date.

        Aligned the rationale for clients who received a VL result ≥ 1000 copies/mL and pregnant women with a VL >50 copies/mL to consider a 4-month cohort (instead of 3-month) (indicators 11.2, 11.4 and 11.7).

        CAT 12

        Updated the definition of clients transferred out to another HF to remove the verification (exclusion) of a clinical consultation or drug pick-up after the transfer date.

        CAT 13

        Updated the definition of clients transferred out to another HF to remove the verification (exclusion) of a clinical consultation or drug pick-up after the transfer date.

        Included new indicators to evaluate VL request/returned result in TB/HIV co-infected clients.

        Removed VL indicators for clients on 2nd line treatment (adults and children) (output Excel).

        Changed the denominators of the indicators that evaluate clients on 1st line treatment, to consider the sum of clients on 1st line and 2nd line treatments.

        Aligned the maximum period for VL results from 6 months to 198 days (6 months x 33 days) and from 9 months to 297 days (9 months x 33 days). (Ticket #3649)

        Changed the cohort month to evaluate VL result return from 9 to 10 months and from 10 to 11 months. (Ticket #3649)

        Added exclusion criterion for clients “transferred in” for clients in the 1st and 2nd line treatments eligible for CV request (RF14 and RF15). (Ticket #3649)

        Updated the VL request verification period for indicators 13.3, 13.12, 13.15 and 13.18 from 80-130 days to 80-132 days.

        CAT 14 (Indicator 15.16)

        Reviewed DSD disaggregation definition (15.16) to align with MQ report.

        Aligned DSD disaggregation definition (15.16) to consider DSD registered during the previous clinical visit.

        CAT 15

        Included semi-quantitative CD4 results.


        CAT 18

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation/certification process.

        CAT 19 (New)

        MI Report updated to include new TB/HIV indicators.


         Melhoria de Qualidade – 2024

        CAT 9

        Included semi-quantitative CD4 results.

        CAT 13

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation/certification process.

        CAT 15

        Included semi-quantitative CD4 results.


         Lista de Utentes que receberam Resultado de CV durante o trimestre - MISAU

        Removed second sheet from report that included aggregate number of clients active on ART and newly starting ART.

        Renamed “Lista de Utentes que receberam Resultado de CV durante o trimestre”, formerly called AQD HIV-MISAU.


         Resumo Trimestral de APSS & PP

        Aligned indicators with the definition of RM HIV: A2 - Cumulative number of clients who started Pre-ART (HIV Care) during the month; B13 – Number of clients active on ART at the end of the month; and B1- Number of clients who started ART during the month.

        Updated the definition of abandons (IIT) to consider 59 days instead of 60 days.


         Relatório de Avaliação MDS

        Included Province, District, SIS-MA Code, HF, and Report Generation Date columns, and removed them from the report header.

        Included the following new indicators in sections B (12 months), C (12-24 months) and D (24-36 months) for the respective periods:

        Active stage III or IV disease registered

        Provided Family planning methods,

        Received TPT

        Screened for hypertension during all clinical consultations

        Screened for cervical cancer

        Positive screening result for cervical cancer.

        Updated the indicator period in section C to not include the 12th month in the evaluation period, and in section D to not include the 24th month in the evaluation period, in order to avoid overlapping the beginning of the period with sections B and C, respectively.

        Updated the period for indicators C10 and D10 - Type of MDS to consider the period between the 12th and 24th month of ART, and the 24th and 36th month of ART, respectively, in order to avoid duplication of data between sections.

        Updated indicators B7, C7 and D7 to consider and list active stage III or IV disease and updated the name of the same indicators.

        Updated the indicators in section B to show data for all clients who started ART in the 12-month cohort or the 24-month cohort or the 36-month cohort.

        Updated the indicators in section C to only show data from clients who initiated ART in the 24-month cohort or the 36-month cohort.

        Updated indicators in section D to only show data from clients who started ART in the 36-month cohort.


         Lista de Utentes com DAH

        Included semi-quantitative CD4 results.

        Aligned age interval definition to consider the CD4 semi quantitative results <= 200.

        Updated the definition of the ART Start Date to consider all sources/criteria because of clients transferred-in from another HF who have the ART Start Date registered in the Ficha Resumo.


         Lista de Utentes Elegíveis ao Pedido de CD4

        Included percentage and semi-quantitative CD4 results.


         Resumo Mensal DAH

        Aligned the indicator 5 to definition with indicator 0 for the subsequent period (Ticket #3629).

        Included semi-quantitative CD4 results.

        Removed ART base cohort.




        Other Reports

         TB2: Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis ao TPT (List of Patients Eligible for TPT)

        Aligned with changes made to TX_CURR in December 2023 and TX_TB in March 2024.


         TB4: Relatório Cascata Mensal de TX_TB (TX_TB Monthly Cascade Report)

        Included the following disaggregates on indicators 5, 6a, 6b and 7: Patients New on ART, Patients Already on ART, Sex (M/F) and Age (<15, >=15, unknown age). (Ticket #3583)


         TB5: Lista Pacientes Activos em TARV sem Rastreio de TB (List of Patients Currently on ART without TB Screening)

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation/certification process.


         TB7: Relatório Cascatas de Doença Avançada por HIV e TB (TB7: Advanced Disease and TB Cascades Report)

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation/certification process.


         Relatório de MDS (DSD Report)

        Included semi-quantitative CD4 results.


         RQD1: Relatório de Qualidade de Dados (Data Quality Report)

        Updated EC24 to apply start and end date parameters. (Ticket #3429)

        Updated to remove Ficha Recepção/Levantou ARVs as source to verify pick-ups after exit (Death, Transferred Out or Abandoned).

        Aligned with changes made on TX_CURR in December 2023 Release.


         RQD2: Relatório De Qualidade De Dados Para Identificar Fichas Duplicadas (Data Quality Report to Identify Duplicate Forms)

        Included new EC6: Identify clients with more than more than one e-Lab Form with the same result type registered on the same date and at the same Health Facility.


         Lista de Pacientes Faltosos ou Abandonos (List of Defaulters and Patients with Interruption In Treatment)

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation process.


         Lista de Pacientes Elegíveis para a Colheita da Amostra para Carga Viral (List of Patients Eligible for Viral Load Sample Collection)

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation process.


         CCR1: Lista de Criança Inscritas em CCR (List of Children Enrolled in CCR)

        Code corrections applied to the query based on the validation process.


        Forms and Concepts

         Ficha Clínica and Ficha APSS & PP

        Aligned responses and concepts for Vulnerable Population field.



         e-Lab Form

        Included semi-quantitative CD4 results and specimen types blood and urine. (Ticket #3558)


         Laboratorio Geral Form

        Updated specimen type options to include XpertMTB, GeneXpert and TB LAM specimen types. (Ticket #3558)



         Updated Data Entry Statistics to only allow the M&E district official to download the reports without restrictions. (Ticket #3568)


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